Understanding and Improving Functional Vision in Specialist Education

On 25th April I will be speaking at the West of England School and College (WESC) conference on understanding and improving functional vision. I will be giving an overview of my research on the brain systems underlying eye movement control and how they are affected in cases of neurological damage entitled Eye movements, visual attention and the brain. http://www.westengland.ac.uk/

WESC is a visual impairment specialist school and further education provider in Exeter with an outstanding reputation for excellence and innovation. We are developing an exciting new collaboration to embed visual neuroscience expertise and knowledge in specialist education where to date the emphasis has been upon the role of the eye itself in vision rather than the brain.

2 thoughts on “Understanding and Improving Functional Vision in Specialist Education

    • We are waiting to hear on our Knowledge Transfer Partnership funding application with West of England School and College. If successful we will have a researcher embedded in the College transferring knowledge from visual neuroscience into practice in the school.

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