Early Career Researcher Position in Psychology / Cognitive Neuroscience

A lectureship is curently available in the School of Psychology University of Lincoln for an early career researcher. In order to qualify as an early career researcher you may have recently completed a PhD or a post-doctoral research position for several years but not held a grant in your own right or a full academic appointment with a requirement to develop independent research. We are interested in candidates from all areas of psychology who have a good and developing publication record and potential for gaining research funding, but please get in touch with me in particular if your research area is in neuropsychology, visual or cognitive neuroscience to discuss this opportunity.

A link to the job advert is given here http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AFE866/early-career-researchers/ and further details of the Schools research groups and staff interests are here:  http://www.lincoln.ac.uk/home/psychology/research/

The School of Psychology is well equiped for Cognitive Neuroscience research with a full EEG / ERP recording system, Tobii and Eyelink 1000 Eyetracker as well  a Transcranial Magentic Stimulation system, Sleep Lab and psychophysiological recording equipment. Opportunities for carrying out fMRI based research also exist via several close by research centres. We are also developing excellent links with nearby local hospitals for patient based work.

One thought on “Early Career Researcher Position in Psychology / Cognitive Neuroscience

  1. I would like to do this, as neuroscience at my uni is all theory and no application at all. This is the area I wish to specialise in.

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